About this blog

Ramblings, thoughts, facts and opinions about political things - starting point council tenant participation with my land-lord Camden council and council tenant reps plus other housing issues, and whatever.

NOTE: I believe this account has been illegally hacked. Little clues have been left for me. They like playing games.

Tuesday, 9 May 2023

House Clearances Internal Investigation

 The below post is from 2008
HASC = Housing and Adult Social Care

I would add to it by proposing that in some cases Home Help [Adult Social Care] could also be indirectly connected via some employed 'carers' being involved in this scam and somehow obtaining items from void properties of clients who have died - to flog at things like car boot sales. 

I will also add that like mentioned in the report the story exposed in the local rag would have [im guessing] warned others of the scam having been rumbled -  before any investigation was carried out. 
I have adjusted the format of the report but not any of its content. 


The below documents were put up on Camden councils website prior to the HASC scrutiny committee meeting held on 19 Feb 2008 and relate to the internal investigation into the allegations that council staff within the housing department were operating a scam involving the clearing of elderly residents possessions.

Despite certain parts of the documents being blacked out (redated) to hide the identify of the main named 'offender' and investigation processes, the council officer had not made sure that the blacked out parts were actually secure and one could when transferring the documents to another format see what was written under the blacked out parts. I have kept certain parts 'blacked out' by using xxxxxxx in there place, because the xxxxxx parts reveal the processes the councils used in their investigation.

Briefing Note for Cllr Philp
Subject: Summary of Internal Audit investigation into void house clearances
Following our meeting you asked to be provided with a redacted version of the audit report which I attach on the basis that it is treated in the strictest confidence. 

As explained at out meeting by Andrew Maughan, Head of Legal Service, the redaction is necessary to protect the identity of the individuals and information covered by the Data Protection Act which would be unlawful to pass to you given your role and the remit of the Scrutiny Committee.

In addition to the redacted report I have outlined below some of the background information that is not necessarily apparent from reading the redacted report but which might further indicate to you the extensive review that has been undertaken by both Internal Audit staff and senior management within HASC. 

As was explained to you in our meeting the Council had already received allegations about practices being adopted by the BMD and investigations had been ongoing for some time when unfortunately on 18 January 2007 the CNJ published an article regarding one particular case in relation to an allegedly stolen commode.

The press coverage damaged our investigation and limited the approach taken. I should clarify that due to the nature of enquiries made by the press, and their impact on the evidence available, Internal Audit reached the conclusion, following consultation with local police, that there was little to be gained pursuing that particular case and instead continued with the line of enquiry we were already undertaking. However it is my understanding that the person claiming to be the owner of the commode was advised to make a report of theft directly to the police. I am unable to confirm whether or not that advice was followed or the outcome.

1. Initial referral
Information was received from a whistleblower alleging that a London Borough of Camden employee was responsible for removing items from void properties for personal gain. The employee’s work involved visiting void clear Information received suggested that any items wanted from these properties were marked, and these were removed by other staff t

2. Meetings with managers and senior managers of the service
Various meetings were held with both direct line managers and senior managers in the service.Details were obtained of all staff that the employee line managed as well as

3. Reviewing the written procedures
The written procedures in place at the time were reviewed, for both the BMD and what had been Social Services. It needs to be remembered that at this point services from two departments had recently been merged to form the HASC Department and the procedures in this particular area of activity had not been updated to reflect the merged roles.

An inventory of house contents was not taken prior to a clearance being authorised, which presented a problem to the investigation in that there was no way to check if an item had been removed subsequent to the employees initial visit to a property. The initial investigation approach was to arrange for access to a void property that had been assessed by the employee but not yet cleared, to determine if any marked items could be distinguished.

This activity was facilitated by the employee’s manager. The Internal Audit check did not discover any marked belongings, and given the fact that the nature of the alleged marking and the types of items that might be removed were not known therefore this was not considered a viable way forward to establish the accuracy of the allegations.

5. Police consultation
The Police were contacted in the early stages of the enquiry and advised of the initial Internal Audit findings with a view to establishing if a criminal prosecution would be viable. This was not felt to be possible at this time because of problems in identifying where goods had originated (and thus establishing that there had been a theft or a victim), and concerns about procedures that staff were following (related to the fact that items were destined for disposal, not further use by the Council or another party).

During the course of our enquiries discussions were held with police officers on four separate occasions but at no time was it felt the evidence available was sufficient to instigate criminal proceedings. Additional procedural concerns were identified later in the investigation that would have further undermined any criminal case.

8. Reviewing records of all properties cleared around September 2006 to try to establish the original owner of the item. Efforts were made to try and establish the origin of items of property. A list of all properties that were cleared at this time was obtained, and the former tenants housing files were retrieved and reviewed, but no further evidence of ownership was established.

9. Further meetings with management prior to formal interviews
Throughout the investigation meetings were held between Internal Audit and senior managers in HASC to advise them of investigation findings and to provide guidance on the procedural review being undertaken within the department.Internal Audit had been advised that no instruction had been issued to staff about removing items from void properties prior to January 2007.

At a meeting on 14 March 2007 Internal Audit was notified that items from cleared properties were in use at the BMD office.
On 30 May 2007 Internal Audit were informed for the first time that staff had been allowed to take items for personal use provided they first sought permission from their manager, and so long as any items were not used for subsequent financial gain by staff.

10. Interviews
A meeting was arranged to conduct an interview with the owner of the house

11. Procedural changes made by the department
In September 2007 the HASC Scrutiny Committee was provided with a report outlining the changes made to the procedures. Changes implemented include:

• New policy and practice guidance produced for staff in Housing and Adult Social Care Department, including social workers and estate officers. This has been implemented and will be reviewed again in March 2008.  
  • Staff have been reminded of current procedures, particularly in relation to disposal or storage of goods.
  • Current contractors were reminded of what our expectations of them are in respect of their disposing of goods from void clearances, and that no goods should be disposed of for personal gain 
  • Procedures for placing items into storage from voids have also been tightened.

The Council has legal obligations under Section 41 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982 and current procedure reflects that. The ASC procedure for placing goods into storage for persons dying intestate has been amended to reflect the voids procedure.

• Spot checks on adherence to the voids policy and procedures are now being made as part of the District Office performance monitoring to ensure that these are being adhered to correctly.
• A review of the Personal Finances Team in Adult Social Care (which includes the protection of property function) has been completed and a revised structure for the team has been introduced.
• Alternative methods for disposal of goods were investigated and new arrangements for disposal via the use of a not-for-profit company are under consideration.

12. Summary
In conclusion I am satisfied that the department has taken all reasonable enquiry is not allowed to recur. It is planned that Internal Audit will carry out a review of the newly introduced procedures during 2008 as part of our 2008/2009 annual audit plan.I hope the above is helpful. In accordance with our discussion, for legal reasons, details of the individuals along with related data have been removed.

The notes and report give confidential details of both our investigation in this matter and more generally our working practices and techniques in investigations. The release of this information could damage subsequent operational effectiveness of Internal Audit and I would therefore ask again that you treat this memo and attached report as confidential.

Tracy Barnett
Head of Internal Audit & Investigations
CIRCULATION OF REPORT:Neil Litherland Director of Housing & Adult Social Care
Catherine Illingworth Interim Assistant Director of Renewals
Hilary Holmes Audit Liaison Officer, Housing & Adult Social Care
AUDITOR: Michael Sheffield
This audit report is issued on a “Final” basis. Management should consider all recommendations made in the report. Auditors on the Special Investigations Team (SIT) remain available to discuss this matter further if required. I would be grateful if you could keep SIT informed of any disciplinary/court hearings that auditors would be required to attend.
Please note that as part of our continuing commitment to improving the quality of the audit service I attach an Auditee Survey Form, for your comments on the manner in which the review was undertaken. I should be grateful if you would make arrangements to complete and return this in due course. May I take this opportunity to thank you and your staff for the co-operation received during this review.
Tracy Barnett
Head of Internal Audit & Investigations

1.1 This report relates to an investigation concerning a London Borough of Camden (LBC) employee, GF. The investigation was undertaken following the receipt of information suggesting that F took former tenant’s belongings from void properties in the Council’s care for his own benefit.
1.2 The resultant investigation concerned the actions of GF and other staff, management of certain aspects of the void clearances and BMD’s void clearance procedures.

2.1 Council tenants are ordinarily responsible for clearing their belongings from their home at the end of their tenancy. However, in certain circumstances the Council may have to perform this function (void clearances) before new tenants can move in, for example if:
• The former tenant passes away and there are no known next of kin;
• If the former tenant abandons the tenancy and there are no known contact details.

2.2 Various Council teams are involved in the void clearance process, including:
(i) The District Housing Office (DHO) authorises clearance of void properties;
(ii) The Personal Finance Service Team (PFST) may undertake checks in certain circumstances, for example if the former tenant is deceased and there are no known next of kin;
(iii) The void cearance agent, e.g. BMD, who perform the clearance.
There is a need to clear void properties quickly so that they can be re-let, in order that the Council makes best use of its’ resources and maximises its’ revenues.

2.3 Where a clearance is required, the Council is only able to effect this where the belongings concerned fall under the Council’s jurisdiction. For example, if the tenancy is abandoned then disposal is covered by the breach of the tenancy conditions.
2.4 The management rks is as follows:

The Audit investigation involved reviewing:
• Interviews with staff;
• Review of current procedures, and
The full findings are reported below.

3.1 Review of XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX The XXXXXXXXXX GF’s XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX reviewed by Internal Audit to determine if it contained any evidence of misuse of items from void clearances. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

3.2 Interview with GF
GF was interviewed about items that he may have obtained from void clearances on report. The key points of G's account are as follows:
• GF was aware that Internal Audit had reviewed h prior to attending the interview. It is believed that he deduced this following Audit enquiries with the 
• GF arranged for a washing to be provided to 5d as per the email XXXX stated that he did not obtain any financial benefit from this action, and that the £80 was a fee paid to, a BMD, for moving the machine to S. GF did not attend 5 Road in connection with the washing•
GF arranged for a fridge freezer to be delivered to 5 Road from a void property at College Place, as d 2005 The £50 referenl was again paid to RA for transporting the machine, GF viewed this payment as a tip. The Contracts Manager attended the Colleg address with GF and gave permission for him to take the fridge
• GF states that the reference in the X to regularly getting fridg from vacated houses in Camden is incorrect and constitutes an inappropriate choice of wording. 

No explanation was given as to why the word ‘regularly’ had been used if this was not in fact the case. GF stated on a separate occasion during the interview that he had taken items from void properties on 2 or 3 occasions while employed by LBC, and that on each occasion he had obtained the Contra permission.
• GF stated that he had never sold any item he obtained from a void property.
• GF is paid a 
• GF had not received any instruction from his manager about how to deal with items found in void properties prior to a letter that was issued by th of BMD in the first quarter of 2007, following the press reports concerning misappropriation of tenant’s belongings (Appendix D).
3.3 Review
3.4 Procedures
Various procedures were reviewed, both BMD specific and those applying to other parts of the Council.

3.4.1 Code of Conduct for employees
The code covers the standards expected of Council staff, and it is a key responsibility of all LBC managers to ensure that staff have access to, and understand, the Council’s Code of Conduct.
Section 11.5 of the Code states that staff:‘…must not steal…anything that belongs to Camden Council. You should not steal…anything belonging to our tenants or service users…for example, their money or property.’

3.4.2 The District Housing Office (DHO) Procedures
DHO staff authorise the clearance of void properties. Prior to authorisation the premises are inspected, this may reveal that the former tenant has left belongings at the address. This is more likely under certain circumstances, for example if the former tenant has died, or if they abandoned or were evicted from the property.

The Housing Department Procedure Manual 4 (Voids Management) requires that Estate Officers prepare an inventory which details those items to be disposed of and those which need to be stored. Section 8.2.1 of the Procedure Manual concerns action to be taken when assessing a property for a clearance, it states that:‘Under no circumstances should any item be removed for personal use, no matter how small in size or value.’
3.4.3 The Personal Finance Service Team (PFST) Procedures
PFST staff may also undertake checks in certain circumstances, for example if the former tenant is deceased and there are no known next of kin. PFST procedures require that a property search is undertaken by at least 2 people. An inventory must be taken that documents any potentially valuable items, and 2 photographs must be taken of every room. Valuable items are removed to the PFST safe and are recorded in an asset register.
3.4.4 BMD staff guidance issued January/February 2007
Following the local press reports of organised misappropriation of items from void properties, an instruction was issued by the Interim in approximately January 2007.
This ‘reminded’ staff that the unauthorised removal of goods from a void property would be regarded as theft, and also stated in bold that under no circumstances should any member of the Council remove any items for personal use or gain (Appendi The Interim has since advised Internal Audit that he believed this approach to apply to house clearances since commencing his post in No2006.
3.4.5 Earlier BMD staff guidance
S advised Internal Audit that prior to the issue of the January 2007 guidance there was no written policy on the treatment of items to be cleared from void properties. Previously, staff were advised upon joining the Division that there were no objections to them taking items from void properties providing:
1. Approval was obtained from AI, and
2. That any item removed was not used for financial gain It was considered acceptable for staff to take items for personal use because the alternative was for items to be dumped as waste. It was not considered appropriate for staff to derive a financial gain because AS viewed any money so generated as rightly belonging to the Council. At least 60 members of staff have requested permission to take items from void properties during An35 year employment with Camden.
S advised Internal Audit that BMD staff had previously been able to take items from void properties provided they had appropriate authorisation and did not intend to make a financial gain. There were various opportunities when this information could have been provided to the investigation:
• The initial meeting on 15 when the allegation was discussed with S. This meeting led to an Audit inspection of a vacant property to determine its’ content with a view to determining if a proactive approach might be viable to substantiate or disprove the allegations that items were taken from void properties, and Andy Smith helped to facilitate this.
• A further meeting between Internal Audit and AS. The XXXXXXXX from G concerning the wine and fridr were discussed, and A advised that a check could be made for any properties that these items might have originated from. AH also advised Audit that there had been no written instructions to staff that they should not remove items from vacant properties prior to the letter issued January 2007 (AppeD).
• Various telephone calls and emails following these meetings when information was provided XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX specific addresses that had been cleared, with a view to determining if items had been misappropriated from void properties.
3.5 Interview with BMD managers
Prior to the guidance issued in January 2007, the Intd of BMD and the Cs Manager had a different understanding of the standards that should apply to staff working on the void clearances. The Interim He believed that staff should not take any items from void properties for their personal use. At the same time AS was operating an undocumented system whereby staff could take property for personal use subject to first seeking approval and on the proviso that any acquisition was not to be used for financial gain.
There is no policy currently in place to determine what should happen to any item of value that is discovered during a void clearance. AS has advised IA that approximately 10% of house clearances may contain items of value. However, there is no process in place for clearance staff to report the discovery of such items, and no such items have been reported.
There is no facility currently in place to record any such items that might be found. And mith advised IA that authorisation had been given for Geleg to remove various items for personal use. This included a fridge within the last year. BMD management advised Internal Audit that it is common practice at BMD to make use of items recovered from void clearances in the BMD office. A list of 13 items, including a fridge, has been provided and is at G.
3.6 Inventory records
Andy Smith identified various void clearances from which the washing referenced in Appendix B might have originated. (Similar enquiries were not possible for the fridge freezer because this item had been obtained in 2005 and records for this period are not available.) Sixteen possible tenancies were identified, and the housing files for each were reviewed to try and determine which ones contained a fridge freezer at the time of the void clearance.
None of the files contained any record of the house contents at the time of the void clearance. The ‘Housing Department Procedure Manual 4 – Voids Management’ requires that an inventory is taken of former tenant’s goods where written permission to dispose has not been obtained (eg abandonment of tenancy, deceased tenant).

Two key areas of concern have emerged from the investigation.
4.1 Firstly, there appears to be a serious lack of written policy and procedure in place at BMD with regard to void clearances. There are no instructions in place on how to deal with any items of value that might be discovered during a clearance, there is no process for recording such items, and the continued use of items from void clearances in the office sends the wrong message to staff.
4.2 Secondly, the various Council teams involved in house clearances operate to different standards. PFST staff are required to take an inventory and on the basis of the limited records reviewed during this investigation appears to do so. The DHOs are expected to take an inventory of void properties under certain circumstances but do not appear to do so.
DHO staff have received categorical guidance that they should not take anything from void properties whereas BMD staff have previously been told the opposite upon starting work.

5.1 Organised activity
This investigation has not found any evidence of organised activity to unlawfully remove items from void properties for personal gain. Indeed, the procedures operated by AS up to January/February 2007 appear to have allowed staff to access such material with a degree of legitimacy.
5.2 Procedural Issues 5.2.1 Building Maintenance Division
BMD Staff had not received clear guidance from their managers prior to January/February 2007 that it was wrong to take items from void clearances for their personal use.The Interim Head of BMD and the Contracts Manager had a different understanding of how desirable items forming part of a void clearance should be treated between the period November 2006 and January 2007, and it is difficult to see how a consistent message could be given to staff under such circumstances.
The continued use of items originating from house clearances in the BMD office sends a confusing signal to employees about what standards are expected of them when disposing of items in the Council’s care.There is no procedure currently in place to determine what action should be taken if items of value are discovered during a void clearance. No records are kept, even though the Contracts Manager has advised Internal Audit that approximately 10% of void properties may contain items of some value.
5.2.2 District Housing Offices
No evidence was found that an inventory had been taken at any of the tenancies reviewed. Some of these tenants had not given written permission for disposal of their property.
5.2.3 General Voids Policy
There are significant differences in the procedures and actions of the various teams involved in void clearances in Camden, in particular:
• Historically, some staff have been told that they can access items from void clearances for personal use while others have been told that this is categorically unacceptable;
• One team takes an inventory of valuable items, another is supposed to but does not appear to do so, while BMD do not have any guidance in place on how to deal with any such items that operatives might encounter.
5.3 GF
5.3.1 GF has taken items from void properties for his personal use. The wording of the email daix A) strongly indicates that this has happened more regularly than GF admitted at interview. Similarly, the XXXXXXX XXXXXX evidence appears to contradict the interview account that payment for the washing machine was for delivery by another employee rather than for GF own benefit. Althou The system operated by AS up to January 2007 allowed for staff to take items from void properties.
Despite the inconsistencies in GF’s account detailed above, there is insufficient evidence to demonstrate that his personal actions were unlawful given the procedural arrangements put in place by his manager.
5.3.2 GF has used the Council’s email system to send offensive material t
5.4 The Contracts Manager
5.4.1 The system operated by AS was not compatible with the Interim Head of BMD’s expectations or the Council’s Housing Manual. It could also be seen to be at odds with the guidance given in the Council’s Code of Conduct.
5.4.2 There was a significant delay between AS’s first meeting with Internal Audit and the disclosure that BMD staff were permitted to take items from void properties. AS was sufficiently aware of the nature of the investigation to be aware that this was highly relevant information, and the delay in providing this information has lengthened the time taken to investigate these concerns.

6.1 Procedural Issues
6.1.1 Building Maintenance Division
Staff should not be able to take items from house clearances for their personal use. BMD management should devise and implement clear procedures about the treatment of items removed from house clearances. This policy should be consistent with guidance implemented elsewhere, including the Housing Department’s Procedure Manual 4 (Voids Management). Procedures should be issued to the staff concerned, and management should ensure that staff understand the standards they are expected to work to.
The practise of utilising items from house clearances in the BMD office should be suspended immediately to avoid sending a mixed message to staff. BMD management should ensure that staff receive a consistent message from both the Interim Head of BMD and the Contracts Manager about what is acceptable. If items are retained from a clearance for whatever reason, these should be clearly documented, so that the items and their place of origin can be clearly determined at a later time. Indeed, where feasible, the Council should seek to re-use items left behind by previous tenants.
This could be by means of:
• Recycling viable items for the benefit of future tenants;
• Sale of viable items to help fund clearance costs, thereby reducing the tax burden on Camden rate payers;
• By negotiation with clearance providers for a preferable rate for clearance works in exchange for allowing retention by the provider of any viable items which form part of the house contents and which the Council legally owns. Such measures would be compatible with the Council’s ‘Better and Cheaper Agenda’, Camden’s Local Agenda 21 Plan and the Community Strategy. Any such measures should be co-ordinated with other Council Teams involved in house clearances.
6.1.2 District Housing Offices
An inventory should always be taken where the Voids Management Procedures require this.
6.1.3 General Voids Policy
Best practice should be shared between all teams involved in void clearance work. Senior management should ensure that a consistent approach is adopted across all of the Council services involved.
6.2 GF
6.2.1 Management will need to consider whether GF's actions breached
6.2.2 BMD management should consider disciplinary action with regard to G
6.3 Management Issues

6.3.1 The Council’s senior management should consider if an adequate level of control was exercised by the relevant BMD managers concerning the procedures put in place for void clearance staff to follow. Disciplinary action shoul

Wednesday, 3 May 2023

New Tenants Housing Panel

I was on Camden councils website HERE trying to find out who are the councils front line Neighbourhood Housing Officers [NHO] - for each ward, as there have been a few change since the elections last May and some changes to ward names and boundaries Camden Council Elections 5 May 2022 

I wasn't having any luck with the Your Neighbourhood Housing Officer - Camden Council page 

So had a look through a few committee documents and couldnt find the information and then came to the Kentish Town  DMC Agenda for Kentish Town District Management Committee on Tuesday, 28th February, 2023, 6.30 pm - Camden Council
but no such luck here either but did find ANOTHER Housing Services Consolidated Report 
- of the Director of Housing Management and Director of Property Services. [must be a standing agenda item for the DMCs. 

One of the things mentioned in the report is the new  Camden Housing & Property Residents Panel which is  said to be a open and honest approach [gasp  - must be true then] with residents in the driving seat something blah something improving blah blah. 

" The panel’s first session was on 01 December, and was opened by Director of Property Management, Gavin Haynes. 

The second session of the panel on 17 January was opened by Director of Housing, Glendine Shepherd. This session was for the panel to explore what topics they may want to investigate more deeply at future panel sessions" 

It doesn't say when the meetings with be made public and appear on the councils website Calender of Meetings and I for one am rather looking forward to seeing how this works out.  

4 May 2023
Angela Spooner has apparently retired 

6 May 2023
I've found the name of landlords  NHO for the ward I live in, its Lavinia Mayers. 
I don't know how long she has been there as I don't recall her introducing herself or such like, which former NHO for ward Dionne Cole did. 

DC has moved to Gospel Oak ward but has stretched back over here to start her harassment of me again. Who is backing her I wonder? 

Oh oh as I type I just heard someone slam the front door very loud which is annoying to me - vacant tenant from A has been up here every day since DC contacted me, including today. 

In AA v London Borough of Southwark HERE  14 Oct 2014, AA sued  the LB of Southwark. 

26 June 2023
The June round of DMC's Consolidated Housing Services Report 
[Report of the Director of Housing & Director of Property Management - supporting Communities Directorate] 


1.1 The data shows that the number of Repairs complaints remains high and Housing Management complaints have nearly doubled. As a result of the high workload, fewer complaints are responded to on time." 


 3. Selection & Appointment

 3.3 We are not making public the identities of individual panel members."

 So much for the Open approach mentioned in an earlier Report. What are they so afraid

Thursday 14 Sept 2023


Gospel Oak tenants see the plug pulled on their housing committee

Monday, 29th March 2021 — By Harry Taylor


Seems things have been sorted out. 

Monday, 1 May 2023

What to do after a death

The below is some of the information about "What to do after a death" that's found on the Citizens Advice website


Click HERE to read further information 

2 May 2023


What happens when someone dies?

When a person dies in England or Wales, the death has to be registered. This is so even if they are a visitor to the country. 

There are only two ways in which the death can be registered. 

The first is if a doctor was in attendance during the final illness of the person who died and is able to issue a medical certificate of the cause of the death in a form acceptable to the local Registrar of Deaths. 

The second, if the first cannot be achieved, is for the death to be reported to a Coroner.

Thursday, 8 December 2022

Dec 2022 Update: on living here etc

I wanted to do an update post on how things are with me and 
  • the landlord Camden Council: housing management = housing/tenancy estate office, housing maintenance and repairs, annual safety gas checks, dealing with asb, complaints handling, etc etc 
  • the 2 tenants [A and C] - tenancy conditions, asb 
  • life in general living here
  • the physical condition of the property - no sound insulation, water leaks
  • tenant participation 
  • my general health and wel-being 
but I'm finding it difficult to get my thoughts together enough to do a coherent post and stuff, so please bare with me if you can. thank you. 



Kentish Town District Management Committee [KT-DMC] 
Tues 29 Nov 2022, 6.30pm

Venue: Whittington Estate TRA Hall, Retcar Place N19 5TR

Contact: Rebecca Taylor  Email: Rebecca.Taylor@camden.gov.uk

[from notes on Camden councils website this meeting is the first face to face since lock-down and Zoom meetings]

15 Dec 2022
Reading through the annual Complaints Handling report/s presented to the Cabinet committee HERE yesterday Wed 14 Dec 2022 - Agenda item 16 - Report of the Borough Solicitor [Andrew Maughan] 
The period is 1 April 2021 - 31 March 2022. 

I couldn't help notice the Compliments sections that have what i suppose are supposed to be comments made by satisfied residents/tenants such as 
6.48 Housing Management - Compliments
"You really have all been amazing helping me with my case and I thank you all again"  [my emphasis] 
andI can honestly say that I have NEVER come across a person within a local authority who shows as much energy & determination to help tenants to improve their living conditions." 

Ok I admit I did LOL at them only because some seem to me to be exaggerated,  'made up' even *GASP*

There isn't Complaint sections that gives such details as the Compliments sections - this to me is unbalanced reporting which seems to be the norm in officers reports in Camden Council, which I think should be changed to be more balanced and honest. 

Sun 19 Feb 2023
Housing in London annual report – London Datastore Mayor of London/London Assembly  Oct 2021 

Feb/March 2023 Council and DMC meetings to do with Housing Management:

Tues 7 Mar 2023
Had meds - review by health centre in-house person, later to have blood pressure reading done - maybe at some point to contact the sleep center, but first to try a few things myself - good sleep had evaded me for years. 

Thurs 16 Mar 2023
Had blood taken for testing. 
Light headed trying to get up and W on feet once since BP - same before and after bloods. 

3 years ago today I had a heart attack and was in hospital for 5 days/nights -  
stent inserted into artery [ of left side outer heart muscel], where blockage was [ heart muscel death reduced EF to 41%] 

27 March 2023
The municipal corporate 'w[hol]e' = deceitful, fractured - as i have experience of

13 April 2023
I want to do a legal will and testament - i don't have much in the way of property etc but some stuff I would like to at least go to a good cause/charity or such like. 

I want to be able to take a pill: sort my affairs out, go to the location I want to 'leave' at [a coastal area where the scenery is to 'die for' so to speak] - how wonderful.  Lay down and slip away into a coma to never wake up again - in this existence anyway. 

After my death I want to be taken out to sea/a big lake or whatever and dropped/weighted down into the water - as i was born, without clothes.  Lunch for the fishes. I think it sounds great. 
No coffin, but if a box is needed to transport me then a wicker/ply board, Im not fussed. 

'I'm coming home', i don't know when and how yet but I hope its not too far into the future. 

Friday 28 April 2023

4 weeks after finding out that my brother Joe/y had died and I only know that he had died in Nov 2022.

People in authority [and others] who know aren't telling me even the basic of information other than 'nov 2022'.  Its being drawn out and its frustrating and upsetting for me and not helping with the depression etc I have. As some might say the 'stressors' just keep being piled on it seems and again I feel that I want to scream - what makes it worse is that I have even less support around me than I did when I had the heart attack back in march 2020. 

The above photo is mainly of the cuddly toy dog I bought for Joey - as a comfort aid sort of thing and took a photo as I know how some things can go missing in hospital. I took it when I and my other brother where still 'allowed' to get this close to him. Some of his face is in the shot. His skin was yellow, you can see that in the photo. 

When he was moved from the ICU to another ward - I and other brother weren't allowed into the small room he had been put in. No real explanation had been forthcoming by nurse in charge. I had managed to actually see him in the small room though - from the corridor. That was the last time I saw him. 

As a full blood sister [sibling] to Joey I seemed to [in practice] have no rights at all 
to information that one of his son's had been given and who had been allowed to instruct the nurses who can and can't have assess to my brother. 

Something just wasn't right here and I couldn't find out what it was and people in authority weren't interested in what I had to say, not the nurses, not adult social services. 

How the fuck did this happen? bad luck, bad fate, what? by design? I still don't know much about my brothers death etc. 

I am nobody, he was nobody [going on how some others treated us] and I don't believe he would have wanted things to have been like they had been, even us not being told about his death, his funeral etc. That was not in his best interest - surely? 

I'm trying not to cry again and feel hurt and despair again, not hate. 

Love you Mr 'Nobody'  - Brother. x

Mon 1 May 2023

Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps

Tues 16 May 2023
unless you count the short times vacant tenant has been up here these last 2 weeks, nearly every day,[never over night] as living here then the flat is still not being lived in, certainly not as a main home. 

Someone has been in and out of flat A 3 times in last hour, banging the doors and causing me annoyance. Someone also banged doors in A's kitchen area  a few times and then main front door [on their way out i think].upsetting me again

Thurs 18 May 2023
Someone is in flat A as I can hear drilling below and kitchen metal gate and door is open. I turn on my radio to listen to classicfm radio to drown out the drilling noise as I find it annoying. There is interference with my radio signal, i think its nearby. Someone has slammed the front door of the building - i think coming in. Someone else in A now as I can hear talking below. I am in b/room and have window open a little as is usual. 

I wonder if A is moving out: the shed at end of garden may have been cleared out - the door lock has been taken off and door closed over but can see that there is no lock on it and wheel barrow turned upside down and put against the door. 

I still don't sleep very well. I have an appointment later on with woman GP referred me to. 

I'm waiting for letter/word from Camden council as to the death records search I paid them via their website to do re my deceased brother, this was a couple of weeks ago. Radio interference again, ok now. 

I hope letters don't go missing as its a communal area where the post is and I still remember the time a few years back when my post was tampered with. I did a post about it. 

Sun 21 May 2023
Did I  mention that Angela Spooner head of tenancy services is retiring, Sharon Calvey head of housing  estate caretaking is leaving the council and Martin Pratt executive director of Supporting People directorate, is retiring. I'm not sure if their replacements or restructuring of things in various departments will mean improvements in service provision as some area's have been dire to say the least. A few from housing repairs should be getting the chop as well in my view. 

Some folk have been wondering why no housing officers have been sacked for the failings of landlord duties in regards to 31 Daleham Gardens NW3 fire of Nov 2017 and the recent connected criminal prosecution and sentencing of Camden Council [as a legal person/whole] for serious fire safety breaches? 

Thurs 31 May 2023
Flat C is still slamming/banging her flat door and/or main front door as she comes in and out - sometimes its one of the doors other times its both doors. I find it  upsetting/distressing and believe she does it on purpose as she knows it annoys. My cat also gets spooked by the slamming door noise. 

Someone has been in flat A a few times this last week - i could hear him speaking, banging about and slamming doors [annoying/distressing me] - someone stuck what looks like a dummy alarm on the outside of the main front door above the letter box [no actual box to catch the post which ends up on the floor -sometimes a pile up] 

Its a key safe box with a combination lock. 

It could be the 'master key' thing that was mentioned in a tenancy/housing report to do with council street properties. 

4 June 2023

Looks like the 2 boroughwide council tenant groups the Camden Association of Street Properties aka CASP and the Leaseholders Forum seem to have mentioned the 'master key' project - via the Leaseholders Forum [LF] meetings/minutes can be found on the councils website HERE
Since around Sept 2022 a CASP committee member has been giving the LF some updates on what the CASP committee have discussed at their monthly [mainly secret] meetings. Its a positive thing though that CASP has opened up a bit more. The casp website though isn't very informative about what CASP does, CASP website HERE 
 7 June 2023
C above me has been slamming the doors very loudly today 7x - causing me annoyance - i very much think she does it on purpose to cause me upset because she knows it causes me upset/harassment  C could be in and out again through-out the evening slamming/banging the doors/. Sometimes its really nice to just have quiet and sometimes that is achivable around here but this evening the radio goes on to drown out the bangs/slams.

I can't seem to relax properly, and one of the reasons may be because I'm always anticipating the slamming of the doors or the banging about or something or the other to do with noise from upstairs, even at night. Though it is better than it used to be, the years have taken its toll and my tolerance is very low especially at night - when I heard the bangs/slams now especially at night it very much reminds me of how i felt when things where very bad and the mini breakdown I had.

8 June 2023
Removal team from housing voids in flat A making a racket stripping the place. 

I was concerned about my post as its a communal hallway floor that the post drops onto and their tooing and frooing might accidentally pick up some post and who knows where it will end out. So i went to have a look as postman had also just been as I saw him outside - no post for me. 

My cat Jack is spooked by all the noise bless him, as I am, have put radio on a bit louder than I normally would to try and drown out the annoying noise [sorry for any 'anti-social behaviour' this may come across as but needs must, you know]. 

I understand that at times works need to be done, - the landlord doesn't always let other tenants in the property know when these works are to be done, how long etc. A genuine oversight or just bad manners, who knows. 
Don't ya just love the extra loud slamming of doors? [sarcasm] 

wed 14 June 2023
Someone was in A this morning

I aggravated the top part of right arm y/d and the pain is awful. I can still use the arm is some ways but mostly I can't. 
I was supposed to go for cardio-echo [ultra-sound]  this morning but couldn't make it as I feel unwell and the pain in arm was still there though has eased a little. I let hospital know [abet at short notice, sorry] i wouldn't be attending. 

The frame in my bed/room sash window rattles when the wind picks up as well as rattling when there is banging nearby, such as in building works. 

The single window glass also lets in a lot of cold and noise, and I usually have to pad the window up someway to try and insulate the room as best I can.
The living room also has 2 large sash windows - the window cords in 1 doesn't work properly so window doesn't stay open without some sort of heavy stopper at bottom. 

I strongly suspect there won't be any noise insulation works in flat A - because the landlord isn't interested in doing such works unless ..... 

4 July 2023
The lock on the main front door of the building I live in isnt working properly, I noticed this when I last ventured out to buy some provisions last friday - when i came back i put key in door and it kept turning and turning [which is doesn't usually do] and for a moment or so I felt massive panic/dread but then the door opened and I felt relief at that. 
Flat C still keeps doing the annoying etc slamming/banging of front doors - sometimes she has woken me up doing so, other times she has startled me and my cat, and this leaves me feeling tense and never really being able to relax as im always waiting for the loud bang of the door. I hate living here. 
People keep coming and going from flat A, slamming doors. The flat door looks faulty to me [doesn't look like its closed properly] so I recently pushed on the door with my hand to see if it opened but it didnt but did rattle/move a bit then sounded like the lock had gone back into place.  

The toilet leak is ongoing and also the blockage to bath pipes that I tried to fix myself but didnt succeed. I can't bring myself to contact the landlords 'people'. 

Existing isn't living. 

11 July 2023
Person/s from the council where in flat A y/d making a racket for hours; mainly using a power tool to drill, the walls? no-stop for over an hour - no notice given to other tenants or indeed other residents nearby about the upcoming work. I know they started just after 9am and this sort of noise from building/construction is 'allowed' by law but they also usually have the windows or doors wide open as well. This was the case with flat A: back door wide open, as is the case with flat across the road who are also having works done. 

I haven't been downstairs or out since the weekend[sat] and didnt notice any notes or suchlike about the upcoming noise. 

This is so typical of 'my' landlord camden council - even some of their own tenants they treat with distain and they may wonder why some tenants at times can be a 'bit ackward' when it comes to complying with them when they want tenants to. 

The drilling started again earlier but has for now stopped. 

Im still waiting for an apology and an explanation over a few things to do with housing and how badly ive been treated by them. I haven't been able to continue with the formal complaint and I want to but 'they' don't help at all with such things even if you have disabilities/difficulties. 

21 July 2023
Reportedly there is a interim Head of Repairs: a Darren Smith. Danny Waite has left the Council.

8 Aug 2023
Tenant in flat C is still doing the banging doors and door locks thing, which I still find annoying and think she does it to annoy me - she also does the shouting and banging about above my bedroom, like she did last night: come 11pm when she did the door lock slam again, I checked my door as i sometimes without realising forget to lock the door and she started shouting and banging about again.  

Since sat/sun I have had a cold like virus - early aug is a bit early in the season for colds - the flu as well and in general that there is a few virus's about as usual that before covid19 many people didnt make too much off and even went into work and such before the symptoms stopped - i remember around here in late 2019 and going into 2 shops and till staff having colds and they shouldnt have been at the till spreading their germs, but they usually think they are past the contagious phase when they arent. 

These days I will point this out to anyone who has cold etc symtoms and is working or whatever in public settings and spreading their germs. a virus is a virus. its deadly to some.  seriously. don't spread a virus. 

11 Aug 2023
Tenant in C is still doing the loud slamming of the doors - 
'hurry up and fucking die'
 'you should have been a stillbirth' 
just some of the stuff she has shouted at/about said to try and hurt me - i think she speaks for a few in the council and elsewhere 
hate eh, 
They hate me they love me not, he loves me he hates me not, she loves me etc etc. 
"I feel it in my fingers I feel in in my toes ....." 

19 Aug 2023
Tenant in C has been out and in a few times today. what she has done is go out and slam both doors causing a nuisance etc to me - then next thing I know the doors slamming again : she sneaks back in so I don't hear and when she goes back out she slams flat and front door. 

3x today. 

29 Aug 2023
The noisy work in flat A continues today again with the power tool screwdriver - about 9.45am on and off. This makes for not being able to relax as anticipating when the noise will start again and until what time. 
Found out there is only 1 bloke in flat A for the 3/4 days - 2/3 of them before. 
I think its taking longer than it should do.  

I wonder if the flat next door to where my brother lived, is still boarded up [had been so long before Aug 2022 ] and still was a few months ago - yet his flat has new tenant. 

Fri 1 Sept 2023
The noise from works being done in flat below me continues - a mixture of powertool and hammer 

Tues 5 sept 2023
The noise from flat A below me continues today as it did y/day -this morn is banging, hammering, drilling. 

What I think should have happened before this prolonged noisy works started was the landlord at least letting tenants in the building/neighbours know about the upcoming works that would be ongoing for at least 2 weeks and that noise/intrusion/annoyance would be kept to a minimum. 

An offer of living somewhere else [suitable] for the duration should have been made to me [I have a cat so somewhere suitable] 
workers should have been instructed to not use the front garden area as a dumping ground for all or any of the stuff from flat A they where stripping out - especially the greenery area] 2 times I have had to ask that heavy stuff be moved from on top of plants. A skip should have been hired. 
Its been 2 months on and off since works on flat A started. 

Its supposed to be our/my home, other tenants home yet are treated like nobodies by not only some other tenants but by the landlord. 

Another issue about living in this building is that of the post/mail isnt as secure as it should be. It just drops onto the floor in the communal area and with front doors left open and lots of people coming and going I for one would prefer my post to be secured in a postbox or something. The council flats across the road on the corner have such boxes.

6 sept 2023
10.30am the very loud slamming/thumping again in flat A 
 he keeps coming out to the back garden and going back in and slamming the door, using the water [i can hear it in the drain out the back] then he bangs/thumps something that makes a racket [the boiler?] 
He did this again and he came out into back garden again - I looked out my window at him and I saw that he had latex gloves on and had cleaning clothe in hand and he went over and dusted/cleaned one of the top flaps of the cubboard board that is on the ground. 
I said hello, you keep slamming the doors, he says he doesn't and went back in ..... and slammed the door............ give me strength, deep breaths. 

"The Court decided that generally landlords are entitled to carry out works, provided that they take all reasonable steps to minimise disturbance to the tenant. "

Main front door lock has been changed but without needing new keys as well, so must be same lock but new [ or something] 

7 Sept 2023
Someone/s is in flat A again: the kitchen door is open but I don't hear them - yet. 
I am feeling anxious waiting to hear the thumping, or banging or drilling that I suspect will come. I spoke too soon: the drilling. 

The metal frame that was part of the metal gate which is around the outside of kitchen door - is still there and the toilet overflow pipe that is above the outside kitchen door is still there. 

The painting of internal walls lite green,  and ceilings and laying of the cheap lino. 
Why not paint all the walls white and then if the next tenant so wishes they can add colour.
And the lino, again, no choice for the new tenant of what colour - if at all. 

I think the voids team may in this case be eager to tick boxes [green paint for walls, lino etc]  whilst omitting others and not giving the next tenant the choice they would have if they where living there. 

Fri 8 Sept 2023
Flat A: I think its 2 today - I could hear them chatting away under/near my bedroom window around 8.45am.

Mon 11 sept 2023
wireless Heat alarms installed in A and B not C yet. 
electrical box in communal area tested etc [ think its finished now] 

13 sept 2023
someone in A this morning - banging with hammer. 

2/3 hours they been at it- to unstick windows that were painted but weren't left open a bit til they dried. 

19 Sept 2023
Someone coming out of A slamming flat door very loudly x 2. 
Living room walls have been repainted to white. 

20 Sept 2023
 After the blustery winds comes the rain as well, today. 
Later will check the white painted wall in hallway near window to see if there is further yellow discolouration from water leakage. 
Sash window in bedroom rattles with force of the wind, I can at times feel the cooler air come through the thin single paned window. Am wondering how long I can last until I turn the heating on - sometime in Oct I'm thinking. 

Flat C door closed/noise and immediately afterwards the front door of properly is slammed x 2, coincidence? 

Flat C door is closed/slam then bloke in back garden talking then goes in then out and slams flat A door. 

24 Sept 2023
The 'toxic' paint odour eminating from flat A [ground floor] can be smelt from 1st floor. I can smell it when I come out of my flat, it is disgusting.  The stairs and floors need cleaning as well, the dirt from works hasn't been cleaned up - this is a common issue with any works done, though some do try. 

As noted, 8 June 2023 was when they first went into A to strip the place. over 3 months later they still going into A doing stuff like recent works drilling big air vent hole in outside wall into [flat A bathroom, i presume] the room has a window. 

When it rains heavily the external wall where the hole was made gets soaked and water leaks into my flat hallway - the water coming through is visible and the white of the walls dis-colours to yellow. 

Its the same area where in 2015 the overflow pipe from A was leaking [for unknown length of time] and soaked the external wall and part of wall in my hallway and bedroom. Though this was 'fixed' via work done on flat   C toilet overflow pipe, some plastering in mine and redecorating, nothing as far as I am aware who done to damp proof the external area's. 

As far as I can see, this property is the only council one that has the below box. 

The other council houses/conversions near me are 2 separate dwellings and they don't have these boxes. Easy and quick to install I should think, no need to even let tenants know or consult. Talk about it seeming like the whole world and its mother has been in and out of this building of late [and flat A] - will the landlord change the code at intervals, for security reasons? 

A house recently had works done but no box on front door, even though front door was painted as well as internal communal area. 

4 separate dwellings property near me - no box on front door though the leaseholder had people in doing works to the place, which seem to have halted though not finished. 

I think whoever the next tenant in A is will not be informed by landlord that there isn't any sound-proofing at all in the property and that the slamming of doors is an issue - unless they are deaf. ]

4 Oct 2023
Flat C has been in and out x3 today and closing her flat loud loudly and slamming front door. it upsets me and leaves me feeling anxious - she is doing it on purpose to annoy me I know she is. 
4.14pm and I hear another slam of main front door [its her i think] and Ive put my radio on loud to try and drown out the noise from her flat door. 
 last night she went out after 11pm and then came back in not long after and both times I heard the annoying slam/closing of her flat door. later on the bang above my bedroom. I hate living here - the landlord allows her to do the door slamming I know they do despite it causing a deliberate nuisance. I've lost count of the number of times I've mentioned it to them. 

5.20pm I can hear C's flat door above my radio, as well as the slamming of main front door. I'm trying hard not to 'lose it'.  

5 Oct 2023
Ive put my radio on before C comes out of her flat and slams the doors, - oh but I can still hear the slams, like just now. I think she can hear the radio even if not loud and slams the doors harder. This is a continuing stress for me and despite me contacting the landlord via @camdencouncil [twitter] I don't get a reply, nothing - so I take that as them ignoring me [im in the naughty chair - i'm a bit too big and old for that? ] 

6 Oct 2023
I sensed that C was coming out of her flat this morn and I thought ok, maybe she won't this time slam the doors. I didn't put my radio on. 
She slammed both doors - again causing me annoyance. 

sat 14 Oct 2023
 I've blacked up 3/4 of my bedroom window using bin bags/ As the months go by and it gets colder I will put up old duvet covers etc to try and insulate the windowpanes from the cold and noise of the fireworks that we usually have this time of year. 

I haven't turned on any heating yet, but I think its getting closer to me doing so, usually just to warm up the place. 1 or so hrs a day at most with radiators even on very cold days, but a few more hours with electric halogen heater that my cat likes to lay in front off [he has a big cushion as well] It heats up the whole of a small room like my bedroom but not the living room which is double the size. It doesn't cost much - as far as I am aware/ Hot water bottles at the ready. 

The last 2 weekends tenant in C has been out on her back terrace which is directly above my bathroom and kitchen and part of my hallway. I can hear her noise and its annoying: banging about, scrapping, heavy footsteps sort of thing. 

Unless Im expecting someone I don't answer or open the door when someone knocks on my flat door [how did they get main front door open? ] and doesn't announce themselves. Most if not all people don't announce themselves which annoys me and puzzles me - I do it as it makes sense to me to do so.  Unless you are the old bill and don't get an answer and say 'its the police open the door or we kick it down' Scary stuff. 

I shall have to put a note on the front of the door what with all and sundry in and out of the building  doing works and half wanting to get into my flat, its just too much. 

Mon 30 oct 2023
10am someone is in flat A: things in garden that werent there before - new tenant? 
 not long afterwards flat door C slams, later on flat A door and front door slam. 

19 Dec 2023
Yesterday someone/s in flat A doing works. Noises and then door slamming. Today door slamming x 2. 
Letters addressed to a named [new tenant?] lay unopened [piling up] on the communal hallway floor. 

5 Jan 2024
flat A door let slam. 
light in bedroom on since 19 dec. nobody living there. 
another slam not so loud - later on it looked that the light has been turned off.

10 Jan 2024
Front door of flat A let slammed earlier, which is annoying. 
Most of the pile up of letters to A of people who don't live there, have gone from floor of communal area. 
Noises of works being done, from A. 

11 Jan 2024
Flat door in A let slam 10am annoying. some noise from flat. 
C has also started again with the slamming of doors - running down stairs. annoying. 
flat A door slam again

18 Jan 2024
lots of coming and going and door slamming to do with flat A  since around 10am this AM. someone also knocked on my flat door and then went off. I wasn't expecting anyone and no-one announced themselves so I didnt say or do anything. 

14 Feb 2024
The house owners next door have started with some more works to their property - at back, where scaffolding has put up and a window taken out. This started last week , annoying to say the least as it literally outside my bedroom window and the noise is on and off from around 9am -2/3pm this week. 

I also have been doing some DIY as best i can considering my back, etc and depleted energy level. 
The week before next doors work I had been doing some drilling and banging -  maybe 2 days in the week lunchtime for 2hrs tops, stopping and starting.  Im trying to fix a wooden bed frame and its going slow and annoying backwards at times. I can't do these sorts of things as I used to be able to but I need to fix it so I can put mattress on it.  

Oh yes tenant in C is still doing the slamming of the doors which still annoys me, which I guess she knows and thats why she does it. 

20 Feb 2024
I can't get over how much work they have been having on this house - it depresses me, its just noise, noise fcuking noise and dust, dirt and bad manners and the neighbours having to put up with this every year since they moved in 6 or so years ago. They moved in when the house was having noisy works done - later they brought their new born baby back to live there with all the noise/dirt etc. I can't get my head around these people. 

29 Feb 2024
must be a leap year [29 instead of 28 days in the month of Feb] and it was April 2023 that my brother J died and not Nov 2022 I and other family members where lead to believe. 
I didn't find out for sure until earlier this month. 
Joey was still alive when we phoned son up april 2023 about what we heard about him having died in 2022. He wouldn't confirm or deny. When J did die, no-one let us know. 

I'm not sure I can get over what has happened, its been horrendous. 

Mon 4 March 2024
I met the daughter of new tenant from flat A [below me] the other day as I was coming in from doing some food shopping. She seems very nice and even carried my heavy shopping trolley up the stairs for me. Awful stairs way too narrow I said. 
I told her about the lack of soundproofing and the trouble it caused and briefly mentioned problems with our landlord and some neighbours. Her dad is disabled that's how he got flat A. Lots of letters sent here for him - as well as some others who don't live here. 

Someone is in flat A this AM, -  just as flat C was downstairs after she had slammed her flat door. i was waiting for the front door to be slammed but didnt hear it only flat A door. didnt hear anyone speak, so maybe they missed each other. Thought I heard someone in the communal hallway doing something and at first though it was a council worker [with a key to flat A] then thought it was daughter so i went out to investigate as I thought maybe she/he was doing some cleaning of the floor [needs it] and I would thank her/him, but they went inside before i even got down the top stairs. 

Man from council housing contractor was here the other day about the fire/smoke/carbon minoxide/dioxide alarms and possibly replacing the existing flat door that had works done on it a few years back, took some photo's made an appointment for this month for 2 appointments. 
He said something about flat A and I said  'Really that's odd ........ '
Anyway a new fire door for flat door is to be fixed and something about connecting via an electrical light socket the alarms. I will try and find out how much that will cost me [what with the price of electric and gas having risen so much these last few years an me already cutting back on using both]

20 March 2024
The next door neighbours started with some more building works about a month ago at the rear and didn't even warn us about the works and its upsetting and annoying me a lot this week. 

Ive been trying to recover from the onslaught on my senses - by neighbours both sides of me and camden council my landlord building works of last year. It was awful and now the building works has started again and Im feeling that I fcuking hate these people. 

The noise is so intrusive and I have nowhere else to go to escape from it so I turn music on to try and drown the noise out but usually I can still here the noise- unless I turn the music up very loud, which I don't like doing and try not to. I am sensitive to noises[unwanted sounds] and the more they go on and become louder the more it gets to me and I have what I call mini 'breakdowns' where I become very distressed like im being attacked, my senses, my whole being. Sometimes it makes me cry in pain. 

On top of this flat C above me started stomping about above me so heavily it sounded like the ceiling would cave in, I could also hear her shouting though didnt know what she was saying. This upset me as well. 

11 April 2024
Nobody is living in flat A below me despite some having keys and letters coming to the property and even some new furniture. I heard it was still marked as void. 
I wonder what the game is? 
and so hot on the tail of the dishonest tenant who used to have the tenancy [though hadn't lived there for years] until not so long ago and who used to keep reporting a leak coming from my bathroom into her kitchen when it was only the case one time. 

15 April 2024
next door is still at it with the bang, bang, banging literally next to my bedroom - with the window open. 2 months now this has been going on. the scaffolding is still up and I can see from the mess of the glass on the extension the previous owner had built, that it will be the next thing that has works done to it. 
Ive put radio on to try and drown out the noise but i can still hear the banging even with my window closed. 
flat C came in the other day, let off fire alarm just inside her flat door, then went back down stairs and slammed the front door very loudly 3 times. I dint know it was her at first and it alarmed me and I feared for my safety. I let landlord and police know about it - @camdencouncil just ignored me as usual, police though at least replied to me. She is still slamming the doors and as far as I am concerned she does it to cause me upset because she knows it causes me upset. 
I know i am expected to put up with hearing some noise in and connected to this property but when someone is [i believe] making the noise to upset me, cause a nuisance then its a different matter.  she went out earlier slammed both doors came back a hr later - i could hear her speaking outside my flat door, and she went back in flat. 
and next door having works done nearly every year that go on for months and they don't even let neighbours know - who are expected to put up with the noise, mess, dirt etc. 

23 April 2024
Scaffolding has come down next door. 
The remaining noise from the room next to mine still goes on, with window open. I think the works are being dragged out and today i'm finding it very annoying and distressing. 

25 April 2024
someone has been in flat A this even slamming the flat doorx2  very loudly - whilst around the same time flat C has been hanging about near my flat door talking to herself, going in and out her flat. I can't help but feeling unnerved, intimidated even. 

29 April 2024
Flat C did the slamming of her flat door and running down the stairs, going out then coming back in and slamming her flat door thing again - causing me annoyance again.

2 May 2024
next door are still at the banging, on and off. today seems to be a major banging day so i have radio on to drown out the noise. 
C is still doing the door slamming and no sooner had I taken down the notice on wall in commual area downstairs about not moving my post - a letter to me was moved from one end of the downstairs hallway to the other: the stairs. I think whoever has been doing tis is trying to intimidate me, annoy me which it does - like ive said i think its done deliberately to cause me upset etc. 
I put up another notice. 

9 May 2024
despite the new notice a letter was moved again - i am now in the process of having a post box put up on the outside wall of the property where the main front door is. I have in the past asked the council for such boxes but this fell on deaf eyes. security isn't a priority for them it seems. someone slammed flat A door a few times earlier. 
the new fire door that the landlord wants installed [and inside and outside frames] doesn't apply to A apparently. 

next door have been drilling for a number of hrs - and now the window is open and the noise is even louder. The works in this particular room seem to be taking a long time. im not feeling so great today and this noise makes me feel worse. I wanted to put the post box up outside front door but have to drill a few holes first, but i don't have energy today and am feeling low. I hate that I even have to do this because of tenant and landlord. 

C slammed her flat door around 11pm this evening- i think she waits until certain times and then does it. I felt myself tense up, my shoulders/neck area hurting - still hurting, still tense.  I hate her and I hate camden council housing. 

The below photo is of my flat door and flat C door- this is how close the doors are - there is no sound proofing at all within the building - many walls are partitions, made of thin plywood or something similar, with no insulation within the walls. 

Home Sweet Home, oh the irony. 

11 May 2024
Noise nuisance from some sort of electric humming machine - i think from next door who are having the works done.been going on from about 1.40pm - on a saturday and continues after the cut of time of 2pm. ive closed my bedroom window and can still hear it, its annoying. Im sure other residents can hear it. 

25 May 2024
earlier this AM, C slammed her flat door and then main front door, then 10 minutes later her flat door is slammed again. I can hear it above an audio class recording I'm listening to. 
When I heard the 1st slam  I felt anxiety, and then anticiaption and then stressed. Years ago I used to  try  meditation to try to ease anxiety and pain within my mind/body and I think it helped a bit. 
But things have happened since then and I have lost the the motivation and hope -  to carry on with it. 
I am just waiting to die and am trying to prepare myself in ways for it. I do not fit in here or anywhere. 

C seems to have a [pattern where she will be very quiet and I won't hear her for at most 2 days/nights and this always [I don't know why as i should know better by now, but I think its sub-conscious] draws me into a false sense of security ie I think 'she is going to be quiet for most of the time [say within 7 days] as opposed to being noisy most of the time] and then she reverts back to what she usually does. 

I am in constant anxiety and stress living here and though it does have some positive features, its the negatives that cause me more stress and pain that I believe I should have to experience. The landlord Camden council doesn't seem to be able or willing to either tackle C about the noise or install sound proofing within the property, or both. 

10 June 2024
someone nearby is making a racket outside for the last hr using a noisy power tool - since around 12.30pm. I can't make out where 
2 hrs later and the power tool noise is still there 
I thought today was sunday - its monday. Im losing track of the days arrrggggg 
It turns out that the very loud power tool noise that was on and off for 4 hrs was some sort of garden strimmer, to cut the overgrowth in bottom council flat near to me - the man who was doing the strimming even wore ear protection  [what a cheek i thought - his ears are being protected from the VERY LOUD noise yet the rest of us have to suffer it ] 

11 June 2024
C slammed a door upstairs and spooked my cat who hid under the bed, then i heard her shouting, it upsets me when she does that. i can still hear her shouting. 
I anticipate her slamming her flat and front door on her way out as she usually does. 

13 June 2024
3pm and a different bloke is back in garden nearby with the noisy strimmer. I turn mini music system on to try and drown out the nuisance noise from outside. 

18 June 2024
My reaction of late to noise intrusions has been extreme ie in that I feel awful, cannot cope anymore with, feel like i will breakdown, etc etc.
as these noises are not going to stop and the help/support isn't there for me to manage this 

Im trying the meditation type music - to try and help with my reaction to noises inside and outside of  the building I live in. 

i placed the 'music player' in doorway of room or near window and wait  for the offending noise to happen. not blasting but comfortable enough for me to listen to. 
realistically I can't wear ear plugs [ones that work] all day/night as i won't be able to hear some things i should i hear. 

update same day
brought rubbish downstairs and out to bins, checked my wall post box and found a letter for flat below me, 
came back up and shortly afterwards C came out slammed her flat and front door. She sneaks in and out at times but mostly its the noise. 

20 june 2024
summer solstice day - longest daylight day. 
C banged about above me, heavy footed on her stairs, came out and banged flat door then slammed main door. I have meditation music on but could clearly hear C,,, im feeling sad and tired. 

24 June 2024
after having a week off the builders are back next door, starting around 9.30am banging away on and off with the window open, very near to my bedroom. I have turned on meditation music
i now await C coming down and slamming doors. .....
and C just slammed her flat door very loudly and front door. 

10.23am the very noisy power tool is now being used - window open.  the music playe im using doesnt go loud so can hear the noise over it and im starting to feel worked up and anxious. 

25 June 2024
Next door - window open and noisy power tool being used. i closed my window and turned on radio as the meditation player i had one doesnt go very loud. 

C flat door slammed loudly then main door slammed.

thurs 27June 2024
10.20am - C flat door slams, runs down stairs and slams main front door. 
I have meditation music on which helps a little but I stll felt startled by the noise which is so closeby to me. Next door builders have the indow open so I anticipate them banging etc through out the day. 

10 July 2024
looks that next door have finished with the building works - until the next works they have done.

C still slamming her flat door causing me annoyance. 
sounds like someone is in flat below me as i can hear banging about - C slammed her flat door closed. I think she was in A. 
No-one was in A when housing people came here last weekend to give us the new front door keys. The new lock wont be fitted until next week. no ID was requested by housing people [the keys]- as per the letter that was sent out. 

update 5.15pm
family member of A came up and hung out in A for about an hour - slammed the doors, then when s/he went slammed the doors x 2 harder than usual causing me alarm and being a nuisance. 
I'm starting to get pissed off with the relative, who doesnt actually live here but has come up here a few times and now causes a nusiance etc. The actual tenant nowhere to be seen, 
I don't know what is at play here. 

11 July 2024
Turns out that tenant of A was in flat and that the loud slamming of the flat and front door was to do with D going in and out waiting for ambulance to come to the property for TofA. 

There was a mis-understanding on my part it seems -  ambulance took a long time though but maybe it wasn't an emergency as such [tenant not taken away to hospital] but im taking it that A is un-well and at home so I hope he will be okay.  slamming of doors continued though but then thankfully stopped. 

Ive not met  him but will leave a note. He is as quiet as a mouse and it seems that its only when D comes up and bangs about that you'd know anyone was in. 

Prior to the above someone was in the property/communal area and knocked once not very loudly on 2 flat doors, didnt announce themselves and didnt gain entry. Then a fire alarm was set of and I went out to communal area to investigate and could smell  mens strong overshave but no-one in the area. Someone was though in flat C before that. 

Flat C came out this AM and slammed flat and front door loudly - seems as well as not being bothered that i'm not well, she not bothered by A being poorly either re the door slamming. C snuck back in and then came back out of flat and slammed flat door very loudly and front door not as loudly. [around 10am- ish] 

mon 15 july 2024
Someone went into A earlier. I've still not seen/met tenant. 
later on  someone slams flat C door. 
sometimes its hard for me to believe that I have lived here for so long [over 20 yrs] 
i wish i could rewind and start again in another direction. 

17 july 2024
C is still closing her flat door loudly at least 4 times a day - more on a bad day. The main front door, not as much of late - i think she does her flat door the most because its opposite mine and she knows I can hear it and that it upsets me. 

Ive put my meditation music on again as the slamming of C flat door is upsetting me again and she could be in and out again a number of times this evening, slamming doors. 

18 July 2024
C slammed her flat door very loudly this AM then slammed main front door.
 I had hoped that playing the mediation music would shield me some from the affect of the slams but it hasn't. I could clearly hear the slams above the soft music. Trying to discribe how some noises badly affect me isnt easy but feeling helpless if one of the feelings when time after time nothing works to stop the noise. 

24 July 2024
tenant in C above me is slamming her flat door more loudly of late which is so annoying but she knows that and does it to upset me [imo]8.30pm and i turn on classic fm to play for rest of the night as Im feeling anxious about C continuing to slam door through out the evening. 

fri 2 aug 2024
i can't get rid of the ants in my kitchen. they have moved into bathroom/toilet which is next to kitchen. 
ive had to move cat food etc up to living room as well as small apllicances. now its food from the cubborads ive had to move.

if they mangae to get up the hallway to the 2 other rooms i will move some stuff out to coummual rea unde rlook and key. i would rather die that go to the landlord aka camden council for help after how they have treated me. if it wasnt for my cats id camp out their st pancra way HQ. 

i also have another internal organ that isn't doing so great. im trying not to get upset about the ants but i know it gets to me in a way. 

sometimes i still get upset about the heart attack i had just before the covid19 lockdown and how i was being treated by 2 tenants and landlord and the stress they where heaping on me. and even after i came out of hospital back to this place, toxic environment they still wouldt leave me alone. 

6 aug 2024
tenant above in flat C is still doing the slamming of her flat door. not so much the main front door. 
this am she has been banging about a lot above my bedroom area.
I think she is picking up flat  A post. Ive not heard anyone in A since the lock change. 

2 sept 2024
lots of slamming of doors today/eve from flat C - its so annoying and intrusive. I can't relax and I m akways anticipating the slam of the door. its a horrible feature of living in a council street property. 

4 Sept 2024
lots of slamming and banging of doors from flat A today [very very loud] - i will try and have a word if I can catch A - a polite word of course. We have spoken 2x and he seemed nice enough - he's not deaf but may have some other condition/s -  and if I can help i'd like to as I know how it feels. 

2 Oct 2024
PH the tenant in flat C above me is still slamming doors morning , noon and night and its really upsetting me last few days. 
I need to try some DIY sound proofing again. I have some ply boards about the place I used as canvas's when i used to do Art Therapy some years back. I have lots of old materials t use as well. I'll need to nail some and glue the others. 

Depending on how much engery I have and how much pain i get, I don't know how long it will take to do a relatively small area at/around my hallway near the flat door, some of the hall ceiling and a wall in my living room. 

22 dec 2024
A and C making a racket with doors, either the flat doors, main front door or sounds like other doors in flat.
Both do it [imo] to annoy the other tenants who live here. Both a and c know that there isn't any noise insulation in the property and both know that i find the noise intrusive and upsetting. neither take any notice of such things. for instance A has been in and out x3 today making a noise with the doors. A says he is disabled. I think he isnt able to say if he has problems with noise in the property [ i have asked him] 

im not aware of whether C is bothered by other tenants noises [other than loud music] only that C does at times make a racket with the main door or flat door, even late at night. 

I am past approaching either of them about such things as from past experience its useless. i don't even know who is 

A just came in slamming the main front door [1:57pm]. 

Other than becoming upset, feeling harassed etc and in reaction to the noise intrusion I sometimes bang a door. 

As far as I am concerned the landlord isn't interested in such things so I don't contact them, ive tried in the past about the slamming doors etc and nothing. 


4  oct 2024
just as i start to write this about another issue flat C doors bangs and then main front door slams causing ma annoyance.

the other issue is repeat presciptions and how it used to takes 2/3 days now is longer. in future will try and put request in 2 weeks before. chemist isnt open saturdays so have to wait till mon. 

mon 7 oct 2024
put on some toast then rembered i was going to nail some boards to walls in flat - the nails don't need o be long as the ply board is thin with nothing behind it to go into unless you use a vey long nail that goes through the thin board, 'through' the void and then out the wall [board] in the communal area 

guess who shows up when im just about to nail the 2nd board?  clue: 'i reported you - they are coming for you' coincidences, what to make of them?

found some more boards behind/aside wardrobe, lots of dust [thats where my winter wooly hat went to, and a lone sock] so vaccumed it up [put mouth/nose mask on first] - done that now need a rest - i can't do physical etc stuff for to long before i need to rest. 

sun 13 Oct 2024
flat A - lots of in and out of flat.and building today with doors shut loudly- not as loudly as on the past though which is an improvement. 

               9 oct 2024 all sockets in my flat [other than shower] 'blew' - they didnt blow in the usual way [that there is a bang/pop that you heard and maybe the plug is burn and you need to change the fuse, that trips the rest of the sockets - and one of the switches in the fuse box slips down and can easily be put back in up position and sockets working again.] 
 That had happened some while ago and I knew what to do without having to contact housing repairs and have someone come out. 

This time i disnt know what to do as I couldnt see what switch in the fuse box had tripped [wasnt the usual black ones that have indication below [pic/discription]/

so not being able to get through to someone in housing repairs through phoning up, i had to use mobil phone to go to the councils website and try to speak with someone there - which did happen: a chatbox popped up and i told person what the propblem was - then despite me asking for help/someone to phone me i was told that its not an electrical problem but an appliance problem and that my chat was being terminated.

A bit later on as I thought why should i have to go without electricity in sockets for how ever long [boiler light gone out, fridge, washing machine, etc etc] as chatbox council person wasnt being helpful  I managed to use a socket that was working until the following morning aroun 8.30am when a polite/helpful man at the council helped me fixed the problem over the phone which in all took about 5 minutes.
 A few other council people were helpful as well which I appreciate.

friday 1 nov 2024 
lost/misplaced my oster card that ive had for many years and had to buy a new card that was £7 - yes 7 fcuking quid for a plastic card thanks transport for london [not] plus top up for the cost of travel. 

24 nov 2024
i.ve not been able to use the  toilet in my flat for the last 2/3 days.

25 nov 2024
After contacting the landlord again this morn about the blockage in my toilet bowl, 2 plumbers where here in 2/3hrs [approx 12 noon] and one unblocked the bowl in a matter of seconds and with only a little mess. 
i was so relieved but talk about 'hard work' getting to this end stage. P used a wooden pole with a metal circle thing at the end that went up the waste pipe a little and unblocked it. i had previously managed to get some of the blockage out [i dont want to have to do that agin] with a wire hanger but couldnt quite clear it. plus i put one of thos cyctern blocks that when you flush - it freshens and colours the water. 

i cleaned it up a bit before the plumber was supposed to have gotten here y/d - i don't know if all tenants do that but i felt a bit embarrassed considered the bodily waste product [poo] that was causing the problem. 

Some people have conditions that mean they have to use the loo more than usual. 

29 nov 2024
flat A slamming/banging both doors on the way out then when coming back in this morning. 

17 dec 2024
flat C in and out a bit today and its only lunchtime - bangs/slams flat door each time which is annoying. i suspect C does it on purpose to annoy me. 

18 dec 2024
after y/d C going overboard with the door noise ive put on meditation music and put in near door to try and block out some of the noise that is coming when C goes out. her flat door is so close to mine and rooms in my flat, its a bad joke really. 

22 dec 2024
A and C at it with the noise with doors - i think its done to annoy/upset the other tenants. at times in reaction to their noise i might bang a door. i have given up with other ways to deal with the noise as ive tried and they don't work which makes me feel helpless. the landlord isnt interested in the matter. as far as i am aware neither a or c have approached the landlord about lack of sound proofing and requesting it be put in. I have done that a few times and no luck. 
putting disabled/ill people into properties the council knows has existing and long standing problems like noise nuisance issues, isn't a good thing imo - on top of the landlord taking little notice of the Reasonable Adjustments law under the Equality Act 2010, its not so great for some tenants having some types of landlord.