About this blog

Ramblings, thoughts, facts and opinions about political things - starting point council tenant participation with my land-lord Camden council and council tenant reps plus other housing issues, and whatever.

NOTE: I believe this account has been illegally hacked. Little clues have been left for me. They like playing games.

Sunday, 1 December 2024

Housing Ombudsman Special Report

 The Housing Ombudsman [HO] is attached to The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government {MHCLG}HERE

work in progress Note:  just as i clicked on link to the full report [on the HO website, my internet went down - 13:25 approx wednes 4 dec 24 - this also happen earlier on twitter when i started to have a look at Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government account ]  Co-incidences, Timing. Reading the signs isn't always easy. A meaningful connection or not, I don't know. 13:35 signal is back now. 13.43 having other internet problems with reaching/loading pages now. no internet again 13.45. ill be back a little latter, im trying to fix the plumbing problem the landlord doesnt do anymore:blocked waste pipe. 14;09 internet back on


" Ombudsman special investigation into Camden Council reveals defensive complaint handling culture 

28 November 2024

The investigation was prompted by a significant volume of severe maladministration findings. 

In the report, the Ombudsman investigated 57 individual complaints, making 124 findings of maladministration where obligations, policies or processes were not followed, with a detrimental impact on the residents involved. This represents a maladministration rate of 83% during 2023-24. The Ombudsman also made 275 orders on these cases to make things right for residents. " 

Summary: 3 key area's of concerns Complaint Handling, Vulnerable tenants and Disrepair  HERE

Full Report HERE

          Key points:  Complaints handling 

  •   repeatedly failed to appropriately identify and log complaints
  •   accessibility and awareness:   no Reasonable Adjustments policy under the Equality Act 2010: Part 11 advancement of equality - Chapter 1 public sector equality duty 
  • different definitions of vulnerable across the department 


* disrepair is the state of a property due to neglect or lack of maintenance. Repair is the process of fixing something that is broken -  to its original state. [other definitions may apply] 

Accessibility and awareness [of the complaints process]

          vulnerable residents and reasonable adjustments

"The Equality Act 2010 sets out the landlord's responsibility to make sure it does not treat a resident less favourably because of a protected character. 

As a local authority the landlord is also bound by The Public Sector Duty which aims to make sure local authorities think about things such as discrimination and the needs of people who are disadvantaged or suffer inequality, when they make decisions about how they provide their services and implement policies.  [p19] 

The 2020 Code states that landlords shall comply with the Equality Act and may need to adapt normal policies, procedures, or processes to accommodate an individuals needs. 

Landlords should have a reasonable adjustments policy in place to address this. 

Landlord said it did not have a formal reasonable adjustment in place - in relation to complaints handling. But did have accessibility policies for residents to access services and communications. 

..... landlord considers it has 'an adequate approach to vulnerability' 

the casework findings suggest the approach is far from adequate. 

The landlord lacks awareness of how to respond to reasonable adjustments requests or adapt its approach to vulnerable residents." [p20]

List of Cases HERE [same page as Summary - scroll down the page] 

Monday, 1 July 2024

ICO Decision Notice on Funding Issue

Information Commissioners Office Decision Notice 2 March 2009
Complaint to the ICO about the councils lack of transparency in providing information when requested about the Camden Association of Street Properties [CASP]  funding

Camden council enters into annual funding agreements with third parties worth thousands of pounds but doesn't, as they claim, make formal recordings of these 'agreements' and that they are merely 'verbal' agreements. On top of that they claim to have gotten rid of evidence for the year in which they gave casp a whopping £15,000. 

updated 1 July 2024. 
Whilst checking on the draft posts in the view of deleting some, I came across this post from 2009. 
When posted in 2024 has come up as newly posted. The ICO page isnt there anymore but can be found HERE

This was only part of the 'goings on' with [council] tenant participation with the council [as landlord but can cross over to other area's]

In 15 years since 2009  I wonder what has changed for the better, gotten worse or remains the same? 

Thursday, 2 May 2024

Coroners Court - PFD reports

 work in progress                                                                                                        

This post is for links to Home - Courts and Tribunals Judiciary 

particularly the Coroners' courts  which publishes Reports to Prevent Future Deaths [PFD]

The site says about the PFD's 

" Paragraph 7 of Schedule 5, Coroners and Justice Act 2009, provides coroners with the duty to make reports to a person, organisation, local authority or government department or agency where the coroner believes that action should be taken to prevent future deaths."

LB's of [mainly] Camden, and neighboring Islington


4 April 2014  Eric Matthews 
7 May 2014 Peter Brookes 
8 May 2014   Frank Pope 
 Noleen  McPHARLANE (died 22.04.14)
   30 July 2014 Monique Whitebread  

 11 Jan 2016  Efstratios Voukelatos


4 March 2021    Grazyna Walczak 
17 March 2021   Ben O'Hara 

 23 April 2024    Emmanuel Ladapo
 16 Aug 2024  Daniel Klosi
 27 Sept 2024  Maria Kelly


20 April 2018  Magdalena Fink  

26 Oct 2020    Daniel Coleman 

 4 March 2024   Sandra Senior 


12 Feb 2021 Philippa Day 

6 Nov 2023 Kevin Gale 

13 Jan 2014 Michael O'Sullivan HERE

28 Jan 2021 DWP accused of ‘gross incompetence’ after benefit claimant’s inquest (civilserviceworld.com)

7 Dec 2023 DWP failings that helped trigger suicide ‘are a national issue’, NHS manager tells coroner – Disability News Service


7 May 2024 Colin Waterhouse

14 August 2024 joanita-nalubowa        


X POSTS on bad living environments HERE

Thursday, 4 April 2024

We are sorry says Twitter Bot

 latest news from Camden Council twitter bot @CamdenCouncil about problems with their website and phones 

some people have been having problems paying money to Camden Council  - and the council is sorry about this.