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London borough of Camden Council
Housing Scrutiny CommitteePrevious relevant blog posts:
Systems thinking in Local Government HERE
Housing Management Performance HERE
London borough of Camden Council
Tuesday 30 June 2020 6.30pm
Agenda item 9. A Proposal for Increased Direct Provision of Repairs Services
Report of the Cabinet Member for Better Homes
"In Camden, we believe in the power of public services to improve people’s lives. Camden 2025 sets out a vision for the future of the borough, where everyone contributes to a safe, fair, creative and active community. Delivering this vision through our Camden Plan includes the development of local public services and insourcing work where this represents value for money to the Council and its residents.
Camden 2025 made a commitment to putting our communities and their needs at the heart of everything we do. Council services are critical to achieving this objective and contribute to our shared vision for a fairer, more inclusive borough.
Camden 2025 made a commitment to putting our communities and their needs at the heart of everything we do. Council services are critical to achieving this objective and contribute to our shared vision for a fairer, more inclusive borough.
The Council has a large housing stock which has remained in direct Council management throughout.
The Council brought the repairs service for the Holborn area in-house in April 2019, and the Council launched the new in-house facilities management service in January 2020. Following a successful pilot, works to empty homes are being brought in house with supply chain support from June 2020.
The Council brought the repairs service for the Holborn area in-house in April 2019, and the Council launched the new in-house facilities management service in January 2020. Following a successful pilot, works to empty homes are being brought in house with supply chain support from June 2020.
Looking forward, the Council is seeking to deliver all repairs work directly and continue to build on the strengths of its in-house team to provide a comprehensive and high-quality service to its residents and building users.
Since 2013, major repairs have been delivered through an outsourced borough-wide contract and this report proposes that the work is insourced and brought under the control of the repairs team with support as required from a specialist supply chain. Over time the in house team will increase the proportion of work that is directly delivered, taking into account its capacity and other requirements such as leaseholder recharging and obtaining value for money.
Since 2013, major repairs have been delivered through an outsourced borough-wide contract and this report proposes that the work is insourced and brought under the control of the repairs team with support as required from a specialist supply chain. Over time the in house team will increase the proportion of work that is directly delivered, taking into account its capacity and other requirements such as leaseholder recharging and obtaining value for money.
This report is coming to Cabinet to agree this approach and support the management and delivery of major repairs by Council staff with supply chain support. This approach provides the Council with the flexibility it needs as it develops its in-house team and the Council will also to seek to procure the supply chain in the local economy where this is possible.
The proposed approach also allows the Council to flexibly use in-house and contracted resources on other Council properties including schools and corporate buildings.
The total value of the work over the five-year period is £165.8m, with supply chain contracts over this time being £62.1m, with twelve contracts proposed to be let (moving from a single contract for this work currently). The value of the supply chain contracts is proposed to decrease year-on-year."
The proposed approach also allows the Council to flexibly use in-house and contracted resources on other Council properties including schools and corporate buildings.
The total value of the work over the five-year period is £165.8m, with supply chain contracts over this time being £62.1m, with twelve contracts proposed to be let (moving from a single contract for this work currently). The value of the supply chain contracts is proposed to decrease year-on-year."
Consideration was given to a report of the Cabinet Member for Better Homes, which was introduced by the Director of Property Management.
Officers and the Cabinet Member then gave the following responses to key questions:-
· The proposals sought to increase the work provided by the in-house team by approximately £2-3M each year for the next 5 years, eventually giving the in-house team a turnover of £25M per year. The report proposed a staged approach to increasing the capacity of the in-house provision, which could undertake major repairs with support from the supply chain as required. This mixed approach to service provision, would provide the right balance of in-house and external provision going forward.
· The in-house team were seeking to remove management contractor layer (thus reducing costs), provide tenants with an improved customer experience, improve the co-ordination of repairs works, and create an apprenticeship scheme for people to learn appropriate skills and provide future employees.
· Officers within the service were focussed on improving overall service performance, and they would provide members with information on the current baseline satisfaction data and performance targets going forward.
ACTION BY: Director of Property Management (AH)
The proposed in-house service was not seeking to undertake specialist services like asbestos removal or scaffolding, as they had high overheads attached and it would be difficult to achieve an economy of scale.
· Officers would provide Members with further information regarding the training that would be provided to staff in relation to the way all staff within the service would be engaging with people with disabilities, especially the deaf community. ACTION BY: Director of Property Management (SR)
THAT the report be noted.
Report of the Cabinet Member for Better Homes
(i) THAT the approach to increase our in-house delivery of repairs to Council homes, with the value of in-house work being delivered over the five year period being approximately £100m, be approved;
(ii) THAT, subject to consultation and engagement as detailed in the report, the flexible and progressive increase of in-house services through supply chain contracts be supported, and the strategy for the procurement of twelve contracts, each for a period of five years (with a break clause after three years), be approved, noting that the combined value of the procurement is £62.1m over the contract period; and
(iii) THAT authority be delegated to the Executive Director Supporting Communities, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Better Homes, to, having considered the outcome of consultation and engagement and having considered any equalities implications, award the 12 supply chain contracts.
I haven't yet gone through the attached reports yet. I've only read whats written on the Council web-pages re public meetings of the council. I haven't been following what the council have been getting up to, particularly in the area of housing management; tenancy services provision; council tenant groups etc etc- via such thing as the minutes etc that are put up on Camden Councils public website homepage HERE
I don't enjoy having to come back to a place I thought I had left behind, a place I didn't like, an environment I thought was bordering on mafia like in how some groups and their people behave.
Its now nearly the end of July 2020, and for over 2 years now I have been trying to manage a not very nice situation I've found myself in, in my home living environment re the property I live in and my Landlord Camden Council. I being a long term secure tenant.
Despite rumours, I have never been evicted by any landlord. This is one of the lies spread around the tenant participation scene about me, theres been others lies I know of and probably some I don't know off. Its a cesspit in my view and it wasn't for me, I found it harmful, toxic but for some people the seem to thrive in it, aspire to be somebody within it - of influence, authority, etc etc.