About this blog

Ramblings, thoughts, facts and opinions about political things - starting point council tenant participation with my land-lord Camden council and council tenant reps plus other housing issues, and whatever.

NOTE: I believe this account has been illegally hacked. Little clues have been left for me. They like playing games.

Housing Management Performance

24 Jan 2017  Housing Scrutiny Committee [HSC] 
agenda item 10 - Housing Performance Report HERE 
an excerpt:
The right first time approach for day to day responsive repairs continues to improve customer satisfaction with 94% of tenants rating the service as good, very good or excellent an increase of 3% from Q1 of 2015/16 (April - June 2015) and around 80% of tenants are rating the service as very good or excellent.." [my emphasis]

Review of Landlord Services

22 March 2017  Housing Scrutiny Committee [HSC]
agenda item 10 - Presentation on Landlord Services: Systems Thinking review of Landlord Services HERE and below. The report is titled HASC Scrutiny, which is Housing and Adult Social Care [HASC] but as the name says also includes Housing so is relevant to the HSC

Mon 16 Oct 2017 Housing Scrutiny Committee
agenda item 10 - Healthy Homes, Healthy Residents HERE

Monday 27 Nov 2017 HSC agenda item 10 - Listening to residents, learning from working with residentsHERE

agenda item 10 Performance on Housing Repairs and Planned Works HERE
"Improving performance in relation to repairs and planned works contributes directly to the Camden Plan theme of delivering services Right First Time." 

agenda item 10 - Improving Housing Services HERE
agenda item 11 - update from Cabinet Member for Better Homes HERE

agenda item 7 - Better Homes, Repairs and Voids HERE
agenda item 8 - Update of the Review on Landlord Services HERE
agenda item 10 - Update from Cabinet Member for Better Homes HERE

agenda item 8 Early help to deal with housing issues HERE
agenda item 10 Cabinet Member for Better Homes Annual Report HERE

agenda item 8 Development of Services, procurement strategy and in house delivery HERE

agenda item 8 The Hackitt Review and Camden 2025 Resident Safety Programme HERE

agenda item 13 Procurement Strategy for Construction Framework and related Consultancy services HERE

agenda item 8 - HASC Scrutiny panel report recommendations update HERE 
agenda item 9 - Building a safer future and Resident Safety Programme HERE

agenda item 8 Homelessness Reduction Act Review HERE
agenda item 9 Landlord Services – Evictions HERE

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