About this blog

Ramblings, thoughts, facts and opinions about political things - starting point council tenant participation with my land-lord Camden council and council tenant reps plus other housing issues, and whatever.

NOTE: I believe this account has been illegally hacked. Little clues have been left for me. They like playing games.

Saturday, 7 September 2013

Housing Management Efficiencies Review

On 26 June 2013 the councils housing and adult social care (hasc) scrutiny committee held their first (of a limited number of sub- meetings) Housing Management Efficiencies review meeting HERE

Terms of reference 
• Investigate current Housing management structures and consider proposals to address any deficiencies

• Investigate the role and responsibility for each head of service in Housing Management, how they relate to each other and to other council departments, how they work together and share resources, and how they use the budgets allocated to each

• Investigate efficiency saving opportunities without affecting front line service delivery

• Make visits to appropriate departments and carry out mystery shopping within the above scope and investigation

• Consider the implications of the above findings and make recommendations to improve efficiency and service delivery for tenants and leaseholders.

Labour cllr Julian Fulbrook is the cabinet member for housing.

2nd meeting 16 July 2013 HERE 
3rd meeting 30 July 2013 HERE
4th meeting due 18 Sept 2013 HERE
5th meeting 1 Oct 2013 HERE
6th meeting 9 Oct 2013 HERE
7th meeting 24 Oct 2013 HERE
8th meeting 6 Nov 2013 HERE

One theme that keeps occurring in relation to council housing management (and it could be right across the council) is the continued operation of a financial system that allows any tom, dick or harridan to invoice the council for works/services without having to provide receipts.

Such as not requiring council housing repairs teams to provide proof of the works they have done ie get job signed off by tenant as proof it was carried out.

Or not requiring dmc members to provide proof of what they spend large sums of public money on.

I wonder if any improvements have been implemented since the 2002 Audit of Camden Council Leaseholder Service Charges HERE    was carried out? The report is very damning of how the council mis-manages money. 


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