About this blog

Ramblings, thoughts, facts and opinions about political things - starting point council tenant participation with my land-lord Camden council and council tenant reps plus other housing issues, and whatever.

NOTE: I believe this account has been illegally hacked. Little clues have been left for me. They like playing games.

Wednesday, 11 February 2009

CASP Council Expenditure 2005-6

"Council officers agree all CASP expenditure before it is authorised
The accounts on the right are what the unofficial and unelected casp committee treasures sent into the council. 

You will find the most obvious alteration is the £960.00 that is stated as the cost of 12x £310.10 committee meetings.

The correct cost is £3,721.20 a deficit of £2,761.20

£270.00 per meeting for taxi's.

The total expenditure should be more than £15,000 and not £13,199.44 stated by the casp unofficial treasurers.

They altered the casp accounts to the sum of at least £2,761.20...plus 1 general meeting that was held but not accounted for, plus catering of all casp committee meetings.