other fires in 2013 - Valeries Willis [street property] Here
Inside Housing - News - London borough fined for ‘unnecessary’ fire death of resident
Internet version of INSIDE HOUSING
NEWS 09/05/2023 3:45PM [Tuesday 9 May 2023] BY PETER APPS
Was at Westminster Mags this morning to see Camden Council sentenced £500k for a shocking case involving the death of a 35yo woman in a fire in November 2017. Report and some observations below:https://t.co/2JQ5NZgttH
— Peter Apps (@PeteApps) May 9, 2023
20 May 2023
9 March 2024
19 August 2021 Fires in Camden Dwellings posting
27 May 2024
LACORS - Fire Safety Guidance (hastings.gov.uk) LACORS aka Local Authority Co-ordinators of Regulatory Services Local Authority Co-ordinators of Regulatory Services
Some excerpts from the Guidance below:
5. What is a fire risk assessment?
" 5.3 The aims of the fire risk assessment are:
• to identify the fire hazards;• to reduce the risk of those hazards causing harm to as low as reasonably practicable; and• to decide what physical fire precautions and management arrangements are necessary to ensure the safety of people in the premises if a fire does start.
5.4 The terms ‘hazard’ and ‘risk’ should be understood in the context of this guidance:
• hazard: anything that has the potential to cause harm• risk: the chance of that harm occurring.
7. Introduction
7.3 This risk-based approach is enshrined in current fire safety legislation, in particular the housing health and safety rating system and the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 (see Appendix 1, paragraphs A.7 and A.51).
7.4 However, some basic fundamental principles apply to fire safety generally, and these must be applied flexibly to meet the needs of a particular property. These principles are outlined in this chapter and are brought to life in the case studies in Part D.
10. Habitable basements
"10.1 Consideration needs to be given to the fire risk presented to occupiers of any storey below the main entry/exit level of the house and the risk that storey poses to the remainder of the house.
10.2 Ideally, the fire separation between the basement and the ground floor (including the staircase soffit and spandrel) should be 30 minutes fire resisting, and a 30-minute fire resisting door should be fitted at the head of the basement stairs. "
10.5 The standard of fire resistance of individual room partitions and of doors to rooms should be the same as for the remainder of the house"
19. Fire separation and compartmentation
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