About this blog

Ramblings, thoughts, facts and opinions about political things - starting point council tenant participation with my land-lord Camden council and council tenant reps plus other housing issues, and whatever.

NOTE: I believe this account has been illegally hacked. Little clues have been left for me. They like playing games.

The Human Heart

I recently came across a Dr. John Campbell on YouTube, his channel can be found HERE and a website HERE

He gives a series of lectures/teachings that I am interested in, linked below:

Cardiovascular System 
26 June 2015 
1. Heart Structure and Function HERE         

2. Blood flow through the heart HERE

28 Feb 2019
3.  Blood Circulation HERE
8 Aug 2015
7. Circulation of the blood HERE

6 March 2019
4. Pulmonary circulation HERE

7 Aug 2015
5. Arteries and Veins HERE   
11 Aug 2015      
6. Arteries and Veins HERE

3 Oct 2015
8. Capillary Circulation and tissue fluid HERE

8 Jan 2016
9. Mechanisms of venous return HERE
10. More mechanisms of venous return  HERE

16 Jan 2016
11. Heart Model HERE

Components of the Heart - Cardiology Lecturio 
Lecturio Medical 
25 June 2015 https://youtu.be/HGA8N4iqOww

L and R sides of the Heart - L side is blue [deoxygenation blood

- The chambers are called the Ventricals: the Left and the Right side

the LV has a thick muscular wall whilst the RV has a thin muscular wall

The LV pumps blood all around the body from brain - toes so needs to a reasonable high pumping pressure
The RV pumps blood to the lungs - not as far to pump the blood so pressure doesn't have to be so high.

An Artery is any vein carrying blood away from the heart

A Vein carries blood towards the heart - Pulmonary [to do with the lungs] Veins



"The parasympathetic nervous system is organised in a manner similar to the sympathetic nervous system. Its motor component consists of preganglionic and postganglionic neurons 

The preganglionic neurons are located in specific cell groups [also called nuclei] in the brainstem or in the lateral horns of the  spinal cord at sacral levels.

THE BRAIN -STEM https://youtu.be/T2zjlB4ctu4

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